Thai Style Hot Potタイ風チムチェム鍋

<Thai Style Hot Pot>

2 chicken legs of 200 g each
2 eggs
2 leaves Chinese cabbage
50 g Harusame/bean-starch vermicelli
1 Momen Tofu/Japanese firm bean curd

A : 1 l water
1 tablespoon chicken broth granule
1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons Nam Pla/Thai fish sauce
1 piece ginger

B : 2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon red chili powder
1/2 teaspoon grated garlic

1. Remove the skin of chicken legs, and cut them into a bite size slices; dish them out on 2 plates.
2. Put the egg on each plate.
3. Cut the Chinese cabbage into a bite size.
4. Cut the Tofu into 6 pieces.
5. Combine B in a bowl for the sauce.
6. Heat A in a pot, and bring to boil.
7. Break the eggs of 2, combine with the chicken, and put them in 7 piece by piece, then add Harusame
8. Add 3 & 4, and cook further. Serve with the sauce.




1. 鶏もも肉は皮を取り除き、素切りにする(2皿に盛り付ける)
2. 1にそれぞれ卵をのせる
3. 白菜は一口大に切る
4. 木綿豆腐は6つに切る
5. ボウルにBを入れ混ぜタレを作る
6. 鍋にAを入れ沸騰させる
7. 2の卵を崩しながら混ぜ、6にほぐしながら入れ、春雨も加える
8. 3、4も加えながら5のタレにつけて食べる