Roast chickenローストチキン

<Roast chicken>

■Roast chicken
1 chicken leg
1 new potatoes
3 cherry tomatoes

A : 1 lemon slice
2 small branches rosemary

2 tablespoons white wine
Salt & epper

1. Bring the chicken to the room temperature before cooking. Make a slit at the meat side of the chicken and fill the slit with the rosemary.
2. Salt & pepper on both sides of 1.
3. Cook 2 from skin side in an oiled frying pan, and put the lemon slice on top.
4. When the skin is golden brown, turn the chicken over, add potatoes & cherry tomatoes, and steam bake with a lid over low heat. When the chicken is cooked, pour in white wine.
5. Arrange 4 on a plate, salt & pepper to taste, and top with dill.


1. 常温に戻した鶏肉に皮の裏側に切り目を入れローズマリー1枝を詰める
2. 1の両面に塩、胡椒をする
3. 油の入ったフライパンで2を皮面から焼き、上にレモンをのせる
4. 皮がこんがり焼けたら裏返しし、じゃがいも、ミニトマトを入れ、弱火で蓋をして火を通し、白ワインをかける
5. 4をお皿に盛り付け、塩、胡椒をふり、デイルをのせる