Folded Onigiri Onigiri Bentoはさみおにぎり弁当

■Folded Onigiri Onigiri Bento

<Octopus Onigiri>
1 leg boiled octopus
Pickled ginger
Ten-kasu/deep-fried flour pastilles
Otafuku sauce/Japanese sweet & sour thick sauce
80 g steamed rice
1/2 sheet Nori/Japanese dried seaweed sheet

<Shrimp Onigiri>
5 shelled shrimps
1/2 tablespoon Japanese sake
1/2 tablespoon sesame oil
1/2 Japanese leek
1 teaspoon ginger

A : Salt
1/2 tablespoon Mirin/sweetening made of Japanese sake

80 g steamed rice
1/2 sheet Nori/Japanese dried seaweed sheet

1. Knead the shrimps & salt in a bowl. Rinse the shrimps.
2. Knead 1 & Japanese sake in a bowl.
3. Pour sesame oil in a frying pan, fry the Japanese leek & ginger till aroma comes out.
4. Add 2, and fry.
5. When the shrimps are cooked, add A.
6. Place the rice on the Nori, leaving approx. 2cm margin at the top & bottom.
7. Place 5 & coriander on the rice, then fold in half.

1. Place the rice on the Nori, leaving approx. 2cm margin at the top & bottom.
2. Lay the cabbage on the rice, put boiled octopus, pickled ginger & Ten-kasu.
3. Pour Otafuku sauce & mayonnaise over the filling, then fold in half.




1. 海苔の上下2センチぐらいを残しご飯を敷く
2. ご飯上にキャベツを敷き、ゆでだこ、紅しょうが、天かすをのせる
3. おたふくソースとマヨネーズをかけて半分に折る

1. ボウルにエビを入れ、塩を揉み込んで水で洗う
2. ボウルに1と酒を入れ揉み込む
3. フライパンにごま油をひき、ネギと生姜を入れ香りを出す
4. 2のえびを入れ炒める
5. 火が通ったらAを加える
6. 海苔の上下2センチぐらいを残しご飯を敷く
7. 5のえびをのせ香菜をのせて半分に折る