Energy rice bowlスタミナ丼

<Energy rice bowl>

200 g pork Shabu-shabu meat / paper-thin slices
1 Kujo-negi / Japanese thin, green leek
Steamed rice

A ( 1 tablespoon garlic
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon Mirin / sweetening made of Japanese sake
1 teaspoon Japanese sake
1 teaspoon Chinese seasoning paste
Pepper )

1. Cut the Kujo-negi diagonally.
2. Combine A in a bowl.
3. Pour 2 over the pork in a heat resistant dish, and top with 1.
4. Loosely cover 3 with a cling wrap, and microwave for 5 minutes.
5. Mix 4 well.
6. Put the rice in a serving bowl, and top with 5.
7. Place the egg at the center.


1. 九条ネギを斜め切りにする
2. ボウルにAを入れタレを作る
3. 耐熱容器に豚肉をのせ、Aをかけ、1をのせる
4. ふんわりラップをして600Wのレンジで5分
5. 4をよく混ぜる
6. ご飯を丼に盛り、5をのせる
7. 真ん中に卵をのせる