Beef Bulgogi Bentoプルコギ弁当

<Beef Bulgogi Bento>

■Beef Bulgogi
100 g beef slices
1/4 onion
1/4 red bell pepper
50 g bean sprouts
5 Chinese flat chives
100 g Korean BBQ sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil
White sesame
Shredded dried red chili

1. Cut the onion in half-moon shape, shred the red bell pepper, and chop the Chinese flat chives 2 cm long.
2. Put the beef & onion in a plastic bag. Add the Korean BBQ sauce and knead well.
3. Fry 2 in an oiled frying pan, then add the red bell peppers & bean sprouts, and cook slowly over low heat.
4. When 3 is cooked, add the Chinese flat chives and cook lightly.
5. Swirl sesame oil, sprinkle white sesame, and toss.

Sausage & cherry tomato
Sweet potato
Shredded dried red chili

牛肉(切り落とし)…100g、玉ねぎ…1/4個、赤パプリカ …1/4個、もやし…50g、ニラ…5本

1. 玉ねぎは半月板に、パプリカ は細切りに、ニラは2センチくらいに切る
2. ビニール袋に牛肉、玉ねぎを入れ、焼肉のタレを加えてよく揉む
3. 油の入ったフライパンに2を入れ炒め、パプリカ 、もやしを加え弱火でゆっくり炒める
4. 全体に火が通ったら、ニラを加えサッと炒める
5. ごま油を回しかけ、白ゴマを加え馴染ませ

ソーセージ & プチトマト