Tangy lotus root & chicken Bentoれんこんと鶏肉のピリ辛炒め弁当

<Tangy lotus root & chicken Bento>

■Tangy lotus root & chicken
100 g lotus root
100 g chicken leg
1 teaspoon sesame oil

A : 2 teaspoons Gochujang/Korean sweet & chili paste
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon Mirin/sweetening made of Japanese sake

1. Peel the skin of lotus root.
2. Chop 1 into chunks.
3. Cut the chicken leg into bite size.
4. Combine A in a bowl.
5. Put the sesame oil in a frying pan and cook 3.
6. Add 2, and steam-bake over low heat, cover with the lid.
7. When it’s cooked, add 4 & combine.

Kani-kama/crab-flavored fish cake
Green onion


1. れんこんは皮を剥く
2. 1を乱切りにする
3. 鶏もも肉は一口大に切る
4. ボウルにAを混ぜ合わせる
5. フライパンにごま油を入れ、3を炒め焼く
6. 2を加え、蓋をして弱火で蒸し焼きにする
7. 火が通ったら4を絡める
