Steamed chicken & corn鶏胸肉とコーンのバターレモン蒸し

<Steamed chicken & corn>

■Steamed chicken & corn
1 chicken breast
1 corn on a cob
1 lemon
1/2 teaspoon salt

A ( 10 g butter
   1 tablespoon white wine
   2 tablespoons water )

1. Slice the chicken and put them in a plastic bag. Add salt & knead.
2. Scrape off the corn from a cob by a knife.
3. Cut the lemon.
4. Put 1, 2, 3 in a frying pan. Add A, cover the frying pan, and steam over low heat.
5. Place 5 on a serving dish. Sprinkle with pepper and top with torn parsley.

鶏胸肉…1枚、とうもろこし…1本、レモン…1個、塩…小さじ1/2、パセリ…適量 こしょう…適量


1. 胸肉をそ切りにし、ビニール袋に入れ塩を入れて揉む
2. とうもろこしを包丁で削ぎ取る
3. レモンを細かく切る
4. フライパンに1、2、3を入れAを加えて蓋をし、弱火で蒸す
5. お皿に盛りつけコショウをふり、パセリを手でちぎりながら飾る