Small clam & bitter gourd Korean pancakeゴーヤとあさりのチヂミ

<Small clam & bitter gourd Korean pancake>

■Small clam & bitter gourd Korean pancake
1/2 bitter gourd
300 g small clams
1 tablespoon Japanese sake for small clams preparation
3 tablespoons Japanese sake
2 tablespoons sesame oil
1 tablespoon cornstarch

A ( 1.5 tablespoons water
30g flour
1/2 egg
1 teaspoon chicken broth granule )

Dip ( 1 tablespoon Gochujang / Korean sweet & spicy paste
1 tablespoon Mirin / sweetening made of Japanese sake
1 teaspoon vinegar
1 teaspoon white sesame )

1. Rinse the small clams. Put them in a bowl, add water & Japanese sake just above them for preparation. Leave for minimum of 30 minutes to let sands in clams out.
2. Put the drained clams in a frying pan, add Japanese sake, and steam them. When the shells are open, take off the meat.
3. Combine 2 & cornstarch well.
4. Combine A in a bowl to make the dough.
5. Add 3 & bitter gourd, and combine well.
6. Heat the sesame oil in a frying pan, and cook 5 till the both sides become crispy.
7. Cut 6 in a bite size.
8. Combine the ingredients for dip, and serve with 6.

ゴーヤ…1/2本、あさり…300g、酒(下処理用)…大さじ1、酒…大さじ3、ごま油…大さじ2 片栗粉…大さじ1

1. ボウルに洗ったアサリを入れかぶるくらいの水と下処理用の酒を入れ30分以上置いて砂抜きさせる
2. フライパンに水切りしたあさりを入れ、酒を加えて蓋をし口を開け、身だけを取り出す
3. 2に片栗粉をまぶし、よく混ぜる
4. ボウルにAを入れ生地を作る
5. 3、ゴーヤを加えて、よく混ぜる
6. フライパンにごま油をひき、5をカリッと両面焼く
7. 食べやすい大きさに切る
8. ボウルにたれの材料を入れ混ぜ添える