

200 g Koshi-an / sweet red bean paste
2 g Kanten powder / Japanese gelatin made from agar
250 cc water

1. Combine Kanten powder & water in a heat resistant bowl.
2. Cover loosely with a cling wrap and microwave/600W for 4 minutes.
3. Add Koshi-an and combine well.
4. Place 3 over a bowl with chilled water and stir till the liquid thickens.
5. Wet the mold with water.
6. Pour 4 into 5, and keep it in a refrigerator to set for minimum of 2 hours.

1. Whip the egg yolk and granulated sugar in a bowl till it becomes whitish.
2. Put A in a heat resistant bowl and microwave for 50 seconds.
3. Add 2 to 1 and combine..
4. Place fruits in a separate heat resistant container and pour 3 over.
5. Oven-bake at 250℃ for 7 minutes.
6. Sprinkle with powder sugar.


1. 耐熱容器に粉寒天、水を入れよくかき混ぜる
2. ふんわりラップをして600wのレンジで4分
3. こしあんを加えてよく溶かす
4. 氷水にボウルをつけながらとろみを出す
5. 型を水で濡らす
6. 5に4を流し入れて冷蔵庫で2時間以上冷やす