Garlic chicken liver鶏レバーとガーリックのがっつりネギ

<Garlic chicken liver>

■Garlic chicken liver
200 g chicken livers
1 Japanese leek / white part
Frisé lettuce
1 teaspoon garlic
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sesame oil

1. Cut the chicken livers into a bite size.
2. Place 1 in a bowl, add water just above the livers, swirl and drain the water using a strainer. (Repeat 3 times.)
3. Wipe 2 with paper towels.
4. Shred the Japanese leek, and leave them in a iced water.
5. Cook 3 in an oiled frying pan.
6. Add the garlic and combine.
7. Heat sesame oil in a frying pan till smoke comes out.
8. Place the frisé lettuce, 6 & 4 on a serving dish. Sprinkle with salt.
9. Swirl 7 over the salad.
<鶏レバーとガーリックのがっつりネギ >


1. 鶏レバーを食べやすい大きさに切る
2. ボウルに1を入れ、被るくらいの水を入れかき混ぜ、ザルで水を切る(3回繰り返す)
3. キッチンペーパーで2の水気を拭き取る
4. 白髪ネギを作る
5. 油の入ったフライパンに3を入れ火を通す
6. にんにくを加えて和える
7. フライパンにごま油を入れ、煙が上がるまで熱する
8. お皿にフリルレタス、6&4をのせ塩をかける
9. サラダに7を回しかける