Chinese Cabbage & Egg Salad Bento白菜とゆで卵のサラダ弁当

<Chinese Cabbage & Egg Salad Bento>

■Chinese Cabbage & Egg Salad
1/6 Chinese cabbage
5 slices ham
2 boiled eggs
1/2 cucumber
Salt & pepper

A : 3 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 tablespoon French mustard
1.5 teaspoons dipping sauce for noodles
2 teaspoons sesame oil

1. Cut the Chinese cabbage leaves coarsely and the stem into a bite size slices.
2. Slice the cucumber in round, and leave them in a bowl with salt. When they are softened, squeeze to drain the liquid.
3. Chop the boiled eggs & ham.
4. Put 1, 2 & 3 in a bowl, add A and combine.
5. Sprinkle with good amount of pepper.



1. 白菜の葉はざく切り、芯の部分は小さめの素切りにする
2. きゅうりを輪切りし、ボウルに入れて塩をふり、しんなりしたら水気を絞る
3. ゆで卵とハムを適当な大きさに切る
4. ボウルに1、2、3を入れAを入れ和える
5. こしょうを多めにふる
