Baked eggplant bowl Bento那須の蒲焼丼弁当

<Baked eggplant bowl Bento>

■Baked eggplant bowl
1 eggplant
2 Shishito / Japanese small green peppers
100 g ground pork
2 teaspoons oil
A ( 1 tablespoon Japanese sake
1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons Mirin / sweetening made of Japanese sake
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1 tablespoon soy sauce )

B ( 1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon Mirin /sweetening made of Japanese sake
1 teaspoon Japanese sake
1 teaspoon sugar )

1. Warm a frying pan, pour oil and fry the ground pork.
2. Add A and cook further to thicken the sauce. Allow to cool.
3. Slice the eggplant vertically.
4. Poke the Shishito with a toothpick to make holes.
5. Bake both sides of the eggplant slices in an oiled frying pan, covered with a lid.
6. Add B & Shishito, cook further till the sauce thicken.

White sesame
Kujo-negi / Japanese thin, green leek.


1. 鍋を温め油を注ぎ、豚ひき肉を炒める
2. Aを入れ煮詰め、そのまま粗熱をとる
3. なすを縦に切る
4. 獅子唐に楊枝で穴を数カ所あける
5. 油の入ったフライパンになすを入れ、蓋をしながら両面焼く
6. Bと獅子唐を入れて煮詰める
