Mouth-watering chicken with Ponzu Bentoよだれ鶏風ポン酢香味ダレ弁当

<Mouth-watering chicken with Ponzu Bento>

■Mouth-watering chicken with Ponzu
1 chicken breast
1 teaspoon salt
2 green onions
A] 1 piece ginger
1 clove garlic
3 tablespoon Ponzu/seasoned soy sauce with Japanese citrus
1 teaspoon white sesame
1 teaspoon chili oil
2 teaspoon honey

1. Bring the chicken breast to room temperature before cooking and skin.
2. Add salt in a boiling water and boil 1 for 4 minutes.
3. Turn off the hear and leave till the meat becomes lukewarm.
4. Chop green onion.
5. Combine A in a bowl.
6. Slice 3.
7 . Pour 5 & 4 over chicken once the Bento Box is filled.

Ohba/Japanese sweet basil
Cherry tomato

鶏の胸肉1枚、塩 小さじ1、万能ネギ 2本
A(生姜 1片、にんにく 1片、ポン酢大さじ3、白ゴマ 小さじ1、ラー油 小さじ1、はちみつ小さじ2)

1. 常温に戻した鶏肉の皮を取り除く
2. 鍋に湯を沸かし、塩と1を入れ4分沸騰させる
3. 火を止めて、そのまま粗熱が取れるまでおく
4. 万能ネギを切る
5. ボウルにAを入れて混ぜる
6. 3を切る
7. お弁当に入れてから5と4をかける
